Thursday, December 25, 2008

Still Trapped

OK, I know it's only been a few hours since my last post, but I am geting antsy. I love to be home, but when I know I can't leave it makes me crazy. Here is what we've been up to today. It all started at 7:00 this morning. Wide eyed kids anticipating Santa's presents.Parker was a bit disapointed that Santa actually left.

He thought Santa would be here when he woke up.

Brave guests-although my dad wasn't exactly glad to be out in the #### snow.

Mitch teaching Jaxon how to hit.

Snow caves!!

Tyson got stuck.

Every year I get so excited to see the kids play with their new toys, but it never fails that Jaxon's favorite are the cheap tanks, army guys, jeeps, and action figures. Within minutes of opening a tank, he has all his army guys out and is setting up some type of a battle. Christmas could be real inexpensive if I wouldn't feel so guilty about it. I always feel like I need to get more stuff. He has played and played with these cheap toys ALL day. He probably would have been just as happy with this and nothing else.

It has been a wonderful Christmas-minus the trapped part.


Nicky said...

It's SO true about the cheap toys being the favorite. As usual, this year I WAY over-did things. But really, they have their one favorite thing that they spend most of the day WHY oh WHY do we keep getting MORE? Every year I think I learn my lesson, and next year I get just as much or more. Oh Brother!!
Love the cave. I WILL NOT let my kids see yours and Kelli's blogs with these cool caves, then we will have to be nice parents and do the same thing...or not (and be mean)!


We just went from being trapped at our house, to being trapped at mom's house.

Did Tyson freak out when he got stuck in the cave? Just wondering.

Looks like great times!

Maria said...

I totally know what you mean about the not being able to leave making you crazy. Just the idea that you CAN'T! Great picture of Tyson stuck in the snow... definitely one for the 'book' next year. :)