Today my baby turned four. Parker is such an interesting kid. He is definately a one of a kind type of kid. I LOVE him dearly, but to say the least he's been a difficult child (I think he's a bit OCD-for real). He pretty much thinks that the purpose of my existence is to wait on him 24/7. I AM NOT JOKING!!!! And, just when I think he's asleep after a long day, he yells, "MOM!!!" then tells me a list of things he needs before he can go to sleep. Gosh, it sounds like I don't like him. I really do! I love this monster child so so much. He keeps me laughing all the time and definately keeps me on my toes. I never know what to expect with him. Every moment is an adventure. I don't know what he is going to grow up to be, but he is a VERY smart little boy and he definately knows how to get what he wants. This year he started preschool (the one at the school I teach at) and it works out perfect because the bus picks him up at his sitters and brings him to my school. I LOVE seeing him in the halls and love the hugs he gives me when I sneek into his classroom for a quick visit. After school he just comes to my classroom and hangs out until 3:30, then we go home. It's funny to watch this little tiny kid with a great big backpack on, hop off of the huge school bus, with a gigantic smile on his face. He LOVES his preschool. Here are Parkers top five things he loves:
1-To be outside ALL THE TIME.
2-Cereal-for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I'd let him.
3-Jaxon-they play so good together.
4-To be in the middle of Tyson and I, we can never sit by each other without him crawling between us.
5-To go to Papa Jay's for a treat.

Building "Bob" the Snowman with his cousins.

Ice skating on Jaxon's B-day in January.

Parker and his best buddie and cousin Eli.

Whenever Parker knows I want to take a picture of him he pulls some funny face. My mom was doing pictures of the kids last week and he kept pulling these faces. She was getting very frustrated with him, but that is just Parker.

He got a bike for his B-day, now if it could only warm up so he could go ride it.

We colored Easter Eggs on his B-day. It's fun to see how creative he is. The old me would help him do it the right way/my way, but I have learned to watch and enjoy their creativity, which hasn't been easy for me to do.

There's that face again, don't ya love the Christmas wrapping paper, I'm not good in that area. Tyson is in Boise on Parker's B-day, so we let him open his presents a day early.

Another silly face, but I LOVE this picture.
I refuse to spend $20+ on a B-day cake, so here is my work. Not much, but he's happy with it.
We've felt guilty about Tyson being gone on his B-day, so we've had like a week of celebrating. Boondocks, Lava, the movies, and tonight family is comming over for cake & Ice-cream.
Happy Birthday Parker!!!!!! I LOVE you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!